Sunday, May 14, 2006

Dora's Confirmation Party

Today was Dora Bernadette's confirmation - the daughter of the pediatrician I work with. They live next door, so the party was literally in our backyard, and it was a raging success. The church service was apparently all morning, lasting from 9 am to about 1 pm, and guests started drifting in around 2 or so. There was a giant tent, and a great deal of delicious traditional African food, and wine, beer, and other beverages flowed freely. The music got louder and the dancing and talking crazier and crazier and when I finally left at 7 pm, the party was just starting to wind down!

The first picture is of (left to right) Dr. Gregoire (surgeon), Dr Benito (peds and dad of confirmee), Damien (white guy - the soon-to-retire directeur of the hospital), Dr Diallo (sante communautaire), and Dr Kaba (surgical resident). They are all fantastic. And yes, that comprises the ENTIRE community of MDs at the hospital. =)

The second picture is of the not-so-slightly inebriated peds nursing staff dancing. They are absolutely fantastic and a blast!


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